Home > Blog Hunter > Food, politics, and terroists: Happy Halloween

Food, politics, and terroists: Happy Halloween

By Carrie Connolly

Fort Wayne Reader


Trick or treat! Start with the treats and go to www.maverickeats.blogspot.com and check out a North Carolina cooperative farm’s view on slow food and sustainable agriculture. The sentiments may be admirable but it’s the food I’m after and the blog comes through with quick and easy recipes that don’t require a fully staffed kitchen to prepare.

www.lucullian.blogspot.com has gorgeous photos that bring to mind “Under the Tuscan Sun”. I’m sure I won’t be heading to the grocery store for squid, but it’s fun to be a culinary tourist and read these recipes with such odd ingredients and the requisite metric measurements.

Going back to delicious easy recipes leads you to Get Cooking at www.buttermilkpress.com/blog. The title is brief but a phrase written at the top aspires for more,” Given enough coffee I could rule the world”.

I’m not sure I want to know what www.vodkapundit.com needs to rule the world. But it is a great jumping off point for all things political. Shortly after Halloween we have Election Day on November 8th. Oh sure it’s an off year election but the blogs still have a lot to say.

www.politics1.com despite its obvious Democratic bent has useful updates on races throughout the United States.

www.blogs.washingtonpost.com/thefix by Chris Cillizza provides good information on who’s who in the national races. They have a tight focus on Virginia’s gubernatorial race dubbed “the Road to Richmond”. Geographically it makes sense but the larger story is that the outcome of this race is a barometer of the support for presidential bid in 2008 from Democrat Mark Warner.

www.thecarpetbaggerreport.com is preoccupied with indictments waiting to be handed out in the Plame/ Rove/ Miller/ Libby fiasco. The DeLay investigation brings no shortage of critique and they jump right on certain Senators who apparently have flip-flopped in their view of the seriousness of perjury.

Baghdad Burning has a lot to say about why locals showed up or stayed away from the polls during the recent vote on the Iraqi Constitution over at www.riverbendblog.blogpsot.com. www.terrorismunveiled.com has even more to say about the state of the Arab world. This is a great resource to stay informed about Arab politics. Recent posts focus on the Lebanese/ Syrian conflict. It’s amazing and humbling to read and see photos of these people so hungry for freedom.

Back to last column’s fluff, the quote is from the remake of “The Thomas Crown Affair.”

The Blog Hunter is taking a hiatus. If you miss it, tell Michael Summers at www.fortwaynereader.com

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