Home > Blog Hunter > Labor, the political spectrum, and the tribulations of a mother of seven
Labor, the political spectrum, and the tribulations of a mother of seven
By Carrie Connolly
Fort Wayne Reader
In honor of labor day it’s only fitting to highlight the labor blogs. www.nathannewman.org/laborblog and www.spewingforth.blogspot.com are two zealously pro-union blogs. Their dislike for President Bush alone should earn them a spot on the blogroll over at www.dailykos.com
At the other end of the political spectrum there’s a new blog on the block, www.wizbangblog.com. Another blog with similar leanings is www.coldheartedtruth.com. If discussing the war in Iraq and hurricanes is too depressing a spin off NFL blog is available from the Cold Hearted Truth. Go to www.coldheartedtruth.com/?blog=9 to get yourself ready for the NFL Kickoff on September 8th at Foxboro.
Football has taken on a different meaning for a growing number of Americans. Find out what’s new in professional soccer at www.giantsofbrasil.com, particularly European soccer. Learn more about the sport at www.finesoccer.com/blog or check out www.thepostgame.com to get your sports news for soccer and many others.
Soccer moms and dads will get a big laugh over at www.thebigyellowhouse.blogspot.com. Chris, a mom of seven, details the wacky stuff that happen in a house full of kids. Her post on Aug 28 about the blueberry pancakes or should I say pan pucks is hysterically familiar for anyone who has had a kitchen improvisation go oh so wrong.
In which case you should go out to eat. www.chaxiubao.typepad.com will take you to Hong Kong with Josh Tse as he explores the local eateries. If you’d like to stay a bit closer to home check out www.garlicster.blogspot.com and go wild over all things garlic. For something yummy and healthy go to www.cookingwithAmy.blogspot.com. She’ll hook you up with Chinese style fried green beans on August 28th.
The hurricane season isn’t over yet. For a recap of Katrina check out www.nola.com/weblogs/nola and browse through this group blog from the Hurricane Bunker atop the third floor of the Times-Picayune building in New Orleans. Hopefully by the time this goes to press the damage won’t have been as severe as predicted.
If natural disasters overwhelm you it’s time to decompress. As always the blogs are there for you. www.lostremote.com has updates on what is coming down the pike for the new lineups on tv this fall. Or go to www.bookslut.com/blog to find just the right book to give yourself a mental break.