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Hockey, politics, and conspiracy theories
By Carrie Connolly
Fort Wayne Reader
If you still care about hockey, go see the Komets. www.puckupdate.com will take care of the long-suffering NHL fans. www.hockeypundits.com has opinions on who should stay and who should go in the re-organized NHL.
Why bother? Go to www.baseballcrank.com and check out baseball and more. This Queens, NY attorney has great links dealing with terrorism in light of the London bombings.
Tom Maguire of www.justoneminute.typepad.com has a lengthy discussion of Novak/Plame/Rove imbroglio.
Sometimes the comments are as interesting as the original posts. For conspiracy theories abroad scroll through the comments on the China post on July 13,2005 at www.vodkapundit.com Stephen Green’s blog deserves a look if only to note his liquor-themed blogroll categories. I’ll pick the “top shelf “ category but there are many spirited ways to be classified.
www.mensa-barbie.blogspot.com has plenty of artifact photography and a hard-nosed political perspective. She compares the current treatment of home grown terror suspects to the death penalty received in the Rosenberg spy case. She almost makes former A.G. Ashcroft seem cuddly.
www.shirleyjump.com/blog details the writing life of local author Shirley Jump. This candid blog rings true for home-based writers. Full disclosure: Shirley edits the magazine where I occasionally freelance. Her latest romantic novel, “The Angel Craved Lobster” reaches bookstores this August.
Merely reading the word lobster drives me where else but the food blogs. Sugar High Friday does not disappoint; the theme for July 15th is honey. www.domesticogoddess.ca has a delicious looking picture and recipe for bee-nut butter and honey ice cream sandwiches.
You can also find healthy food blogs. www.cheapveggiegourmet.blogspot.com is run by a Florida blogger who posts about vegetables of all kinds. Even tofu sounds good here.
Do you have a food blog of your very own? Learn the tips and tricks of the trade at www.foodblogscool.blogspot.com. This blog is a must read for the html code wary. The conversational style of this group of food bloggers makes tinkering with your layout sound not quite so daunting.
www.blogmaverick.com has Marc Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, explaining why today’s podcasting is set to follow the curve of streaming audio of the nineties. He has an essay on the worthlessness of pining for the good ole days. Are there any issues this man won’t jump into? Not likely if there’s a business model to be applied.