Home > Blog Hunter > Irish blogs, and Condi for President, 2008?

Irish blogs, and Condi for President, 2008?

By Carrie Connolly

Fort Wayne Reader


St. Paddy’s Day is just around the bend so Irish blogs were just begging to be found. An Irish blog needs an Irish name or at least a good stereotype so we’ll start with www.planetpotato.blogs.com. The site itself is full of thoughtful commentary from a twenty-something perspective on the IRA Sinn Fein saga. However if you want to know why Irish ballads get so melancholy, go to the archives of November and scroll down to the crane rescue photos. I can tell you I’d be asking for a pint.

Some people cannot be deterred and actually go back to Ireland. www.atlanticblog.com is from a transplanted Yankee. This blog definitely falls under the conservative umbrella. He has some very thought provoking commentary on the ease with which “nazi” is combined with modern labels meant as disparagement.

As promised in last issue’s column Condoleeza Rice for President 2008 blogs are spreading faster than clover. www.instapundit.com has a round up of the newest crop of Condi blogs. www.citizensforcondi.blogspot.com is one with a particularly eloquent backer Matt May of Detroit. A surprising source of support for a Condi run comes from Dick Morris via www.theblackrepublican.net Scroll down to Feb 9, 2005 and the quote is there in all its glory.

2008 seems a long way off but half way around the globe Iraqi elections just finished up. An excellent on the ground report can be found on Baghdad Burning, a blog from a female Baghdad resident at www.riverbendblog.blogspot.com. She details the growing public pressure on women to dress more conservatively (read cover up) despite the lack of any formal laws dictating such measures. Her narrative of life in Baghdad dealing with water and electric outages, curfews, and a rapidly changing society really brings home the ordinary lives affected by the war in a way that television news cannot deliver. She is able to write this candid blog in relative anonymity, I hope for her sake it doesn’t change.

The search is still on for gardening blogs. The pickings are slim but www.digindirt.com is what I found at www.blossomswap.com a website devoted to gardeners and their plantings. What I really need is a blog that will break it down for me in English and not dazzle me with the Latin names for common plants.

As always there is much more luck finding food blogs. www.tigerberries.blogspot.com is out of Columbus Ohio. She has great pictures of meals as they are being prepared not just the gorgeous finished products. Channa Masala is an Indian dish that is featured and it looks yummy enough to try to replicate in my own kitchen. Lots of background information on food and regional cuisines.

But sometimes only a donut will do. Go to www.dunkindonutstalk.com and read how an Illinois guy made a blog out of his habit.

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