Home > Blog Hunter > President's Day and more

President's Day and more

By Carrie Connolly

Fort Wayne Reader


President’s Day weekend put the Blog Hunter in the mind of checking out history blogs. No, I don’t have a Jerry Springer sort of tale about Abraham Lincoln blogging from the great beyond. My first stop was www.hnn.com the history news network where one blog stood out from the rest: Thomas Reeves from the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute. He’s like George Will without the Oxford unabridged vocabulary.

For the not so academically inclined, President’s Day weekend also means shopping. I stumbled onto a great shoe blog at www.manoloshoes.blogspot.com. I’m guessing that the title is a tribute to Manolo Blahnik a designer of outrageously overpriced but stunning shoes. Not that the Blog Hunter has been closer to a pair than an episode of Sex in the City. This blog has tons of photos, and plenty of links to other fashion themed sites such as www.bagcrazy.blogspot.com. This purse and shoe blog has some hysterical comments with its pictures. The writer of this site goes by CrankyBiscuit. What else is there to say?
Another antidepressant for the still chilly month of February is consoling your self by browsing through seed catalogs, planning for the salad days ahead. However, the blogosphere has let me down a bit in this category. Most of the garden blogs that I googled haven’t been active for a year or so. I did come up with a current tandem blog at www.godetia.com/dirt written by two San Francisco gardeners. Their horticultural woes are a bit different than ours here in Fort Wayne, but I’ll cling to any patch of green that is offered at this point.

Baseball is right around the corner as Spring Training begins in earnest March 1st. www.baseballnews.blogspot.com appears to offer some well-rounded coverage of Major League baseball. www.aarongleeman.com has a baseball blog centered on the Twins. He also is a co-founder of the Hardball Times a website devoted to baseball. Although not classified as a blog, check out the site and read “My Big Fat Steroids Column” by John Brattain on February 11, 2005. It’s lengthy but on the spot about the issue of steroids.

Those SF Bay area bloggers come through again in the food blog category as well. www.spicetart.com has a recipe for chili that looks awesome. Whether or not I am ambitious enough to actually make the chili paste is another issue entirely. www.cookingwithamy.blogspot.com is also a fun read. She’s another blogger who has made posting pay off - she also is employed writing a food blog for KQED a Bay Area PBS affiliate. I also stumbled on a recipe for whole wheat tortillas at www.margaritasandmadhatters.com/teatime posted on Feb 7, 2005. This West Coast food blog should not be confused with her journal at the same address sans tea time.

Next time Condi Rice for president in 2008?

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