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Blog Hunter

She finds the blogs, so you don’t have to…

By Carrie Connolly

Fort Wayne Reader


‘Tis the season to be blogging….

Christmas cards are great, for those who have the time and inclination to scrawl their news and best wishes to those on their list. For the digitally connected a weblog can take holiday greetings and really make them pop. A gadget or two doesn’t hurt in the creation of your holiday masterpiece. Gizmodo.com and engadget.com are two weblogs that give an overview of what’s new in the tech universe. I started looking for a camera phone on these sites and ended up reading a review of phone that has an optical card reader to scan business cards among its gazillion functions. Discipline my friend; it takes some serious self control when reading these blogs to not get sucked in and wind up reading about something way off of your original idea.

My neighbor has a sign in her front yard that is counting down the days till Christmas. I love it and hate it because it reminds me that I really do have to start shopping. Thebudgetfashionista.com/blog has postings that flow with the site’s theme of having great style while keeping more of your money. The only down side is that many of the shopping tips have more to do with retailers in the greater Jersey area than Northeast Indiana. Then again, if you don’t need to actually handle the merchandise before you buy it, online shopping will get you anywhere you want without ever leaving the comfort of your keyboard. Some of the best help I found was from enochchoi.com a blog by a California M.D. daddy who posted his online shopping tips after being interviewed by the local news in Palo Alto.

Holiday appetizers can be found on a blog. Somethingsoclever.blogspot.com out of Montana posted what looks like an awesome recipe for crab rangoon. Dig around a bit on kiplog.com/food and there’s a promising recipe for an Andes mint variation of the infamous Neiman Marcus chocolate chip cookie.

Finding culinary weblogs is fun but Fort Wayne has bloggers who provide food for the soul. In this city of churches it’s not too surprising to find a married pair of Catholic writers who also maintain their own weblogs. Go to Amywellborn.typepad.com/openbook or michaeldubriel.blogspot.com to check out their views on the reason for the season.

Happy Blogging!

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