Home > Old School Picture of the Week > The Handy Record Shop, early 1950s

The Handy Record Shop, early 1950s


Fort Wayne Reader


We’re running this pic again to honor the passing of Al Stiles at the age of 91. This is a photo of Mr. Stiles in his Handy Record Shop, which was located on Winter Street. We originally guessed that the pic dates from “the late 1940s”—but an eagle-eyed reader, Dave Gomez responded with information that the advertisement for Ruth Brown’s Atlantic single “5-10-15 Hours” (which was recorded on Feb. 13, 1952) places this photo in the early 1950s. For many years, Mr. Stiles helped develop youthful entertainers at his Talent Factory on Anthony Blvd. back in the day. Al Stiles’ biography I Was Part of That was published in 2006.

Photo courtesy of INK digital archives.

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